Enterprise Information Systems, Inc. (EIS) is a software development and web application hosting company founded in 1991 by Jim Miles and operating in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
We are a 1990’s high-tech startup that grew quickly and outlasted many.

For almost 30 years, EIS has owned and operated an office building with tenants in the Taylor Creek Business Park in Ottawa’s east end, The Taylor Creek Enterprise Centre.
Our Story
We began operations by providing contract instructors to Oracle Corporation, who needed contractors to manage rapid growth and high demand for Oracle education. We grew quickly to teach in Oracle classrooms in many major cities in Canada and the United States.
We invested early and heavily in software Research and Development with the assistance of Federal Government Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Funding.
Since inception, EIS has invested heavily in R&D for software development. We have spent over $3M in developing business systems which we operate on a hosting basis.
We have reusable software components that speed development of new applications. We have extensive experience with integration API’s such as Quickbooks and PayPal, and most recently OpenAI. We can quickly adopt and integrate the latest AI capabilities in the market.
We specialize in custom web application database development using Oracle.

Our Products and Services

Our latest flagship product is the Enterprise Learning Management System (LMS). In it’s latest version, it makes extensive use of Artificial Intelligence to train users online with mixed self-paced, and live instruction courses and testing.
Try this link for a mockup demo, or sign up for these free sample courses to try the system for real:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion here
Beginner French here
An example customer hosting over 700 courses in the system is BEVA Learning Institute, and you can see the entire course catalogue here: https://bevaglobal.com/beva-course-list/
LeagueGM was launched in 1999 as one of the first web-based management systems for minor sports. It began life as a student project from one of our Oracle Certified Developer training classes.

Over more than 25 years, it has served over 200 minor sports leagues and organizations accumulating nearly 70 million page views. Read more here: www.leaguegm.com. The software from this massive project has been adapted to provide online training, and spawned our latest flagship product, the Enterprise LMS.

In the late 90’s, EIS Inc. set up and operated a certified Ontario vocational training school to teach and qualify students as Oracle Certified Developers and Database Administrators as part of the Oracle Academic Initiative offered by Oracle Education.
Then we hired the best graduates, some of whom continue with us to this day.
Over the years we have grown an extensive library of reusable software components that allow us to quickly create new business systems for the web.

Contact us to discuss your application development needs.

Enterprise Information Systems, Inc.
Taylor Creek Enterprise Centre
Phone: 613-837-9821
880 Taylor Creek Drive, Orleans,
Ontario, Canada K4A 0Z9
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