
Effective: 24 February 2025

Enterprise LMS Pricing Structure

The Enterprise LMS offers a flexible and scalable pricing model designed to support organizations of all sizes. The pricing structure includes an initial setup fee, a monthly key user fee, and a cost-per-hit model that scales with system usage.

Pricing of certain modules, such as the SLE Contract Manager role, have different schemes based on revenue you generate by using them. Pricing for these modules appears on the page describing the module.

1. Setup Fee (One-Time Payment)

  • A one-time setup fee is required for all new customers, ranging between $1,000 to $5,000 CAD, depending on the complexity of the organization’s structure and customization requirements.
  • This fee covers system configuration, initial training, and onboarding support.

2. Key User Subscription (Monthly Payment, Payable in Advance)

  • Key users include administrators, finance staff, managers, and instructors. Students are not counted as key users.
  • The cost is $50 per month per key user, with a maximum charge of $500 per month (covering up to 10 key users).
  • Additional key users beyond 10 are included at no extra charge.
Number of Key UsersMonthly Cost
50+$5000 (No extra charge for users above 50)

3. Usage-Based Cost (Cost-Per-Hit Model)

  • As the organization increases its system usage, an additional cost is applied based on system interactions, called hits. A hit occurs when the a key user views pages that are payable. Not every page view incurs a hit charge. Users can log in, view help, and navigate the menu system for free. But when an instructor, for example, clicks to view an assignment list, report a session, or submit a monthly pay claim, hit charges are incurred.
  • Once usage exceeds the $5000 per month key user maximum, a cost-per-hit is applied for most hits. Hit cost ranges from $0.01 to $0.20, depending on the importance or value of the hit. Some hits invoke functionality that we have priced lower in order to be competitive with simple functionality that standalone applications could provide. Employee timekeeping is one example.
  • This usage fee only applies once the organization’s cost-per-hit charges exceed $5000 per month.

Example Pricing Scenarios

ScenarioSetup FeeKey User FeeCost-Per-Hit UsageTypical Average Monthly Cost
Small Organization (5 key users)$1,500$250N/A$250
Mid-Sized Organization (10 key users)$2,500$500N/A$500
Large Organization (15 key users, high usage)$4,000$750$0.01 to $0.25$750 – $2,000
Enterprise (50+ key users, extensive usage)$5,000$5000 (maximum)$0.01 to $0.25$5,000-$10,000


This screenshot shows hits from nine instructors working on a Saturday morning to report their sessions and month-end timesheets for claimed hours.
This screenshot, taken 1 March in the morning, shows hits from nine instructors working on a Saturday morning to report their sessions and month-end timesheets for claimed hours.
1. Balance of unused hit fees since 1 March
2. March hits in the LMS Course Instructor role
3. A link to reveal the LMS objects that were hit
This screenshot shows LMS objects in descending order by total hit count, broken into twelve monthly columns. The March counts were generated by nine instructors working on a Saturday morning to report their sessions and monthly timesheets for hours worked in the previous month.
1. 92 hits have occurred so far this month