
Introducing Robo-Helper: Your Ultimate Sales Assistant for Real Estate Leads

Robo-Helper is a new EIS Artificial Intelligence product currently in development.

What is Robo-Helper?

Robo-Helper is an innovative AI sales assistant designed to gather leads from internet advertising. It engages users in meaningful conversations about real estate, emphasizing your personal approach to real estate, including your strengths, and the services you offer. It gradually persuades prospects to provide their contact information.

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Whether your prospect is a buyer, seller, or another Realtor, Robo-Helper presents the information you provide it in a way most relevant to the prospect’s needs.

How Does Robo-Helper Work?

Step 1: Targeted Social Media Advertising

As a Realtor, you begin with Robo-Helper by placing a targeted, simple post in the target user’s feed. For example:

“Frustrated with watching multiple videos looking for specific Real Estate info? Try asking my Robo-Helper anything. Click here.”

You must place a link in the ad, together with an appealing, professionally-drawn cartoon image of you in robotic form. A high-quality, clever or humorous image is essential to create interest and drive users to your Robo-Helper.

Step 2: User Engagement

Curious users click on the link and are directed to an appealing, uncluttered Conversation Page. Here, your Robo-Helper character introduces itself:

“I’m Realtor Martin Chettle’s robotic helper. You don’t have to give me any contact information. Ask me anything about Real Estate.”

Step 3: Information Exchange

Users can engage in a discussion and get as much information as they want. The Conversation Page has Real Estate Listing query controls that Robo-Helper encourages the user to try. The query results can be integrated and displayed on your Realtor website, showing you as the agent to contact.

You can see all the prospect conversations in Robo-Helper’s Management App, along with contact information, if given by the user.

Step 4: Highlighting Realtor Benefits

Throughout the conversation with the prospect, Robo-Helper subtly drops in the benefits of engaging a professional Realtor. Robo-Helper explains you will:

  • Schedule multiple home showings
  • Advise on the condition of the home and recommend work to be done
  • Monitor optimal market conditions for purchase or sale
  • Watch for bargains that meet buyer needs
  • Represent and advise during negotiations or multiple-offer scenarios
  • Recommend a lawyer, mortgage broker, or other required professionals
  • Handle all paperwork and steps in the purchase/sale process
  • Provide regulated, licensed, qualified, services in and be legally bound to represent the client’s best interest

Your Robo-Helper must be customized to your specific market niche, and you must provide expert information of value for users in that niche. For example, if you serve the Ottawa market, you must load your helper with Ottawa-specific information to create a customized information store. EIS staff will help you identify, load, and test your information store as part of the on-boarding process when you decide to use Robo-Helper.

Step 5: Realtor Notification

Each time a conversation starts, your are notified immediately and can follow the discussion online. If you monitor a conversation in progress, Robo-Helper knows you are present and will ask the prospect if you can join the conversation. If the user agrees, you can take over the conversation.

Step 6: Building Trust and Converting Leads

The goal of the free information discussion is to convince prospects of the value of engaging an agent. It also aims to build trust in you personally as the provider of accurate, valuable, to-the-point information. Without being a pest, the Robo-Helper will offer contact with you whenever the conversation indicates the user would benefit.

The main objective of this technology is to overcome the natural resistance of a human prospect wishing not to be harassed by a sales person.

The approach relies on humour, creativity, and subtle psychological methods to persuade the prospect to move forward with you.

During the anonymous discussion, Robo-Helper will ask for and accept contact information at appropriate times, and will automatically update the lead in the database whenever the prospect provides their name, phone number, or email address.

Why Use Robo-Helper?

Robo-Helper is more than just an AI assistant; it is a strategic tool designed to:

  • Engage users with personalized, relevant information
  • Build trust through informative, free discussions
  • Highlight the benefits of professional Realtor services
  • Smoothly transition interested users to live conversations with a Realtor
  • Efficiently gather and update lead information

With Robo-Helper, Realtors can enhance their lead generation efforts and provide potential clients with a seamless, informative experience that highlights the value of professional real estate services.

EIS is seeking feedback and is recruiting testers and early adopters.

Pricing information is not yet available.

Contact us to discuss Robo-Helper

Enterprise Information Systems, Inc.
Taylor Creek Enterprise Centre
Phone: 613-837-9821
880 Taylor Creek Drive, Orleans,
Ontario, Canada K4A 0Z9
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